Mountain Conditions
Knowing the mountain and being aware of the days conditions is instrumental in providing an Epic Experience for you and your class. Check back here often for up to date information regarding Lift and Terrain Status.
You can also access this information through the Epic Mix App and @MountSnowOps on Twitter.

Approved routes for Ski and Ride School employees on the clock skiing/riding without students.
These are designated by the Purple Lines on the Trail Map.
Specific pitches, runs or areas where instructors with classes are required to move from point A to point B with the sole focus of skiing or riding safely and efficiently in keeping with the flow of traffic. No stopping except in Safe Stopping Spots and avoid technical focuses or drills that may distract students from this task.
These are designated by the yellow zones on the Trail Map.
The safest stopping points on high traffic runs that are commonly used by lessons. This should include but not be limited to defined Rest Areas and Mountain Safety Stopping Spots if those exist at your resort.
These are designated by Stars on the Trail Map.
Zones that can be “toggled” opened or closed for instructor access where particularly hazardous snow surface conditions for class management may occur.
These are designated by the Red Zones on the Trail Map.